IDscript Digital Credentials Inc. Privacy Statement

We at IDscript Digital Credentials Inc. (IDscript) use our best efforts to respect the privacy of our on-line visitors. We understand your need to appropriately control your personal information and know when and how such information may be used by us. IDscript only gathers personal data from our customers, such as name, address, e-mail address, etc. when voluntarily submitted by potential digital certificate subscribers and other IDscript customers. Subscribers to our services are told in more detail about our information handling practices in our Customer Privacy Policy.

For example, we may collect personal data in order to respond to a request for information concerning our products and services. The data collected is used solely by IDscript or other entities that are involved in the operation of this site, for the fulfillment of the service requested and for internal purposes. IDscript may also use "cookie" technology to obtain non-personal information from you as an on-line visitor in order to better serve you with a more effective Web site in the future.

Your privacy is important to us. IDscript agrees to use reasonable care to ensure that the information submitted to or obtained by IDscript during your site visit, or during the certificate application, authentication of identity and certification processes, will be handled in accordance with our Customer Privacy Policy. IDscript will use that information only for the purpose of providing IDscript services and otherwise carrying out the provisions of agreements it may have with you or your organization. IDscript does not sell, rent, lease any personally identifying information in any manner to any person without your prior consent, unless otherwise required by law, or except as may be necessary for the performance of IDscript services, for auditing requirements or as part of regulatory compliance. Also, IDscript will release otherwise confidential information to law enforcement authorities upon receipt of a relevant search warrant or subpoena, and will respond similarly to a relevant discovery order in a civil litigation setting. IDscript also agrees to protect your personal information in a manner designed to ensure its integrity and to make available to you, following an appropriate request, any information collected. When necessary, IDscript will take reasonable steps to ensure that inaccurate information is erased or rectified.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the use and disclosure of information collected by IDscript during the certificate enrollment process is governed by the relevant certificate Subscriber Agreement. As well as by the Certificate Policy and Customer Privacy Policy under which a particular digital certificate is issued and not by this web-site Privacy Statement.

IDscript reserves the right to change this privacy statement at any time. Be sure to check this page periodically for updates.

June 1, 2002

© IDscript Digital Credentials Inc.