Juricert Services Inc.

Juricert is a unique initiative of the Law Society of British Columbia and other Canadian Law Societies. Juricert was created to ensure the identity of persons using the Internet for important professional communications. Juricert services enhance court e-filings, government e-filings, communications and financial transactions between professionals, their clients and 3rd parties Juricert ensures people can trust a Juricert-validated digital ID or digital signature.

Juricert provides public and private registration services which positively confirms the identity and professional credentials of the registrant. This process creates a Trusted Digital Credential™ record that can be used to validate identity in a variety of products and services.

Digital Signature Trust LLC

Online transaction security isn't about technology. It's about trust.

DST is the leader in guaranteeing the identity of individuals and businesses in digital transactions. As a "trusted third party," DST provides outsourced digital certificate services that help you integrate digital signatures into your e-business applications quickly and cost effectively. DST also provide the highest level of risk management available through the industry's leading warranty programs.