Secure your identity on-line with IDscript Digital Certificates

IDscript with its partners provides secure, authenticated and trusted digital certificates to best serve the professional practice environment.

Types of Digital Certificates

There are three different trust levels, or classes of digital certificates:

IDscript Professional Certificates - Validate the identity of an individual and, where applicable, their organization
    This digital certificate is the most versatile of the three classes. It validates the identity of any individual on a network, regardless of the method of communication. It can be used in email, and other electronic documents. It complies with the digital signature requirements of Bill C-6.

    For added control and security, the IDscript Professional Certificates are available in three formats.

  • Browser only option
  • Smart Card and Reader
  • USB Token and Extension Cable

  • How does this certificate work?

    The private key / public key pair you receive with this class of certificate is directly related to you, personally. When sending email or any other electronic transmission, that transmission can be "digitally signed" using your private key. This certificate also allows you to scramble (or encrypt) your message so third parties cannot read it, or it can simply add a section at the bottom of the file to validate your identity. When the message is received, the recipient uses your public key to either decrypt the entire message or the signature at the end. This allows them to be sure that you are who you claim to be.

IDscript SSL Server Certificates - Authenticate the identity of an Internet web server.
    This digital certificate is probably the most specific of the three classes. It is only meant for Internet web servers that need to allow secure access. This is commonly used for e-commerce Internet sites, or sites that deal with confidential information such as credit cards.

    How does this certificate work?

    The private key known by the web server encrypts all data transmissions with the server so that the transmission cannot be intercepted by a third party, ensuring trustworthy, secure transmission or sensitive information such as credit card numbers or legal files.

Unauthenticated Certificates - Validates the identity of an email address
    This digital certificate is the least reliable of the three classes. It simply proves that an email address exists. It does not provide any level of trust that the sender is who they claim to be.

    How does an unauthenticated certificate work?

    The private key / public key pair you receive with this class of certificate is directly related to one email address. When sending email from that address, your email program "digitally signs" the email using your private key. This can completely scramble (or encrypt) your email message so third parties cannot read it, or it can simply add a section at the bottom of the file to validate the email address. When the message is received, the recipient uses your public key to either decrypt the entire message or the signature at the end. This only allows them assurance that the email came from the specified address. This is a very low trust level certificate. IDscript does not offer unauthenticated digital certificates.